Saturday, July 02, 2005


Funny how you stumble onto the most fantastic, unexpected (and therefore even more fantastic) experiences in London. Here's my top 5 so far:
  1. gate-crashing the VIP opening night of the Tate Modern thanks to confident attitude and appropriate modern artist attire of jogging bottoms and T-shirt
  2. browsing through HMV and finding that Kosheen were about to do a promotional live set and being front of the queue
  3. walking across Hungerford Bridge with a friend and being presented with the most amazing fireworks display I've ever seen: completely free at the side of the Thames
  4. going to a gig in Clapham on the last night of a tour and ending up in someone's front room for an extra set
  5. winning a trip to a concert at the top of the BT tower at the last minute and realising what a breathtaking sight the capital is at night


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