Thursday, May 19, 2005

London calling

In the twilight of its life?

Do I kick off my London blog by talking about a cannister of CS gas being set off at a tube station or the news that the London Eye, the most inspired and popular tourist attraction in the capital for a generation, has been threatened with an eviction notice?

Yes another day brings another security scare and another crazy planning scenario, both of which were probably met by the populous with little surprise and a slight shake of the head.

This time it was 'just' CS gas and in an above-ground underground station, not the subterranean toxic terrorist attack Londoners are conditioned to expect these days. As for the Eye, well it's probably, and hopefully, just a cynical attempt to extract a higher rent. What a crime if this 135metre icon of the south bank and of the city was forced to up and move?

The craziness begins here.


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