Thursday, June 09, 2005

Array of wind

You are now entering the Thames estuary

By 2011 and with £1.5bn London could be receiving a quarter of it's electricity (1% of total UK consumption) from the 'London Array' of 270 wind turbines off the Essex and Kent coasts.

I'm no Greenpeace card-holding, tree-hugging environmentalist but I have become quite passionate about renewable energy and Kyoto and this is a fantastic step for the UK and, nominally, 'London'. The picture above is from Utgrunden in Sweden, one of several projects in the Nordics; provided not too many birds get sliced by the blades and captains of ships can avoid running into 270 300ft lit & bright white turbines (despite their radar having gone a bit 'fuzzy') it might be a reality here too.

Originally sceptical about the whole wind turbine thing I've been won over. Beautiful, majestic but thankfully not in my immediate back garden.


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