Saturday, April 22, 2006

Double Deutsch

Perhaps I should start carrying an umbrella. Not because of rain: we haven't had much of that stuff in the South East over the last few months leading to hosepipe bans all over the place. No, because my tour guiding has obviously matured to the point where I can cope with multiple guests following me around and hanging off my every word.

I introduced my two German friends to the comforts of chez moi (with one exception) before we progressed to lunch in the village past the electroretailmagnets of assorted shoe shops.

Then onto a river cruise down to Greenwich: any excuse to get on the water, the second time in as many weeks. I can't quite describe the almost unintelligable commentary: a manic cockney accent with a distinctly cynical lilt that suggested he might have been doing the job for too many years.

My friends were easier to understand: if only my German was as good as their English. Never thought I'd be discussing the finer points of modern architecture or how views on European/domestic identity varies between class boundaries in Germany and the UK.


Blogger Louise said...

I dont get the tour guide types thay have on buses/boats of a microphone. I tend to spend the whole time thinknig 'JUST SHUT UP' I can think about where we're going and what Im seeing with all this background noise!

11:33 am  
Blogger Paul Campy said...

Given that the English amongst us could barely understand him I'd have preferred to give my own (occasional) inimitable style of London commentary to my guests. Needless to say the proferred cap was light on tips at the end of the journey!

1:22 am  

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